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June Newsletter 2024

Ministry continues as we pour into the youth of Omega Church and prepare the guesthouse for the rainy season. People often ask what our children are up to as we live in a new culture. At the beginning of the month, a local talk show invited our eldest daughter, Alyssa, to speak about the perspective of an American Christian teenager in the Gambia. Later in the month, they asked her to return to discuss controversial topics and a biblical worldview. She did an excellent job defending and representing the faith. She also traveled to Ndungu Kebbeh with our teammate Joan Schmitz to encourage one another and the villagers who have accepted Christ. Danielle, our middle daughter, has such a servant’s heart and volunteered as a model to help a Muslim student receive her cosmetology qualification. On Father’s Day her Bible club made and presented cupcakes to the fathers and future fathers of Omega Church. We are so grateful to God for our children and their hearts to serve Him. 

A supporting church of ours asked us for video footage for their upcoming Vacation Bible School. Michele spent hours combing through footage to create five engaging 2-minute video presentations. Everyone in the family played a part and did a great job. Let us know if you want to use the links for your VBS or just want to see them.

Lastly, Omega Church's small group session ended for the rainy season and will not pick up again until October. When we announced this to our group, they immediately protested and asked if we could run a special session starting in August. One man gave a beautiful testimony of how God used our small group to deepen his recent faith. He came to salvation when God put the lead pastor of Omega Church in the right place to answer the prayer, "God, I want to know you.” He also said that because of our small group and discipleship, he knows God wants him to be “all in" and doesn’t want his leftovers. Please pray that the Lord will continue to use us to disciple him. 

Prayers & Praises

~Pray for Patrick’s father Bruce’s cancer recovery.   

~ Pray for our children, their impact and God's purpose and leading in their lives.

~ Pray for God to lead short-term missionaries to take our place while we are in the USA in 2025.

~Pray for more housing provision in the USA for our Gambia furlough in 2025.

In Christ,

The Reeds

Patrick, Michele, Alyssa, Danielle, and Luke


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